
How to Appraise and Sell a Domain Name

16th November, 2021

Posted by ESQwire

You might have purchased a domain name with the intention of opening a business or starting a website, but it may be the case that you no longer need it. Rather than continuing to pay for it or simply letting it lapse, you may be able to appraise and sell the domain name.

Before diving into it to make a quick dollar, it will be critical to work with a domain attorney who can help you appraise the domain name. The attorney can also discuss your options to sell it. A domain lawyer at ESQWire can begin working with you today on the process of appraising and then selling your domain name. In the meantime, the following are the steps you will want to take if you are making plans to sell your domain name.

Appraising Your Domain Name

There are multiple ways in which you might determine the value of your domain name, and it will be important to go through an appraisal process before you sell so that you know the amount of money you should seek for the sale of your domain name. You can research domain sales that have occurred recently through DNJournal, and you can also look for information from domain appraisal services such as URL Appraisal,, or Domaining. Shorter domain names tend to be more valuable, as do domain names that have been live for a longer period of time.

Determine How You Want to Sell Your Domain Name

There are several ways you can sell your domain name, including through sites particularly designed for selling domain names (like as well as through eBay. The best domain name attorney can advise you. 

Create a Domain Listing 

Once you decide how you want to sell your domain name, you will need to list it for sale. You can provide detailed information about the domain name, including the amount of time it has been live, information about internet traffic, and other details that can make the domain name attractive to potential buyers.

Receive Payment

You should speak with your domain name attorneys about the best way to receive payment once you have a buyer, but many domain name sellers use an escrow service to protect them from fraudulent buyers.

Transfer the Domain Name

Finally, the last step in the sales process is to transfer the domain name to the buyer. Your attorney can work with you to ensure this final step goes smoothly.

Contact ESQwire to Appraise and Sell Your Domain Name

If you have questions about having your domain name appraised, or you want to learn more about selling your domain name following its appraisal, an experienced domain name attorney at our firm can assist you. The best domain broker can work with you from start to finish as you determine the value of your domain name and receive payment. Contact ESQWire to learn more about how our firm can assist you.

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